Winton Terrace Community Garden
Serving Winton Hills
Started in the summer of 2015 in collaboration with the Winton Terrace Residents Council and the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority, the Winton Terrace Community Garden is located near the Winton Terrace Community Room—adjacent to the parking lot off Craft Street. Inside a fenced area are nine cedar garden beds, three raised beds and edible landscaping. A total of 552 square feet of growing area is available to the more than 1,600 residents living in the community’s 608 units.
Growing Together
All crops are grown collectively, and educational programs are offered for residents of all ages interested in growing healthy food for their families and neighbors. Community Garden Program Director Peter Huttinger works with residents weekly to cultivate crops, and harvest and distribute fruits and vegetables to the Winton Terrace community. Contact us to learn more.
The garden is a community effort with leadership and support from the Winton Terrace Residents Council and CMHA Winton Terrace community management as well as the Winton Terrace residents. The garden has also received funds from the City of Cincinnati Urban Agriculture Program for site development and tools.